We understand your concerns regarding safety while vacationing. UMVA Muhazi joins you in taking the necessary precautions to ease your level of comfort in making your stay with us as safe as possible. We are fortunate to have a 2 hectare property that easily allows for distancing. Nine separate bungalows dot the property. Each individual unit is independent of the others, giving you both privacy and the ability to maintain safe space.  

Explore our docks, hop on a kayak, and check out the birds along the way. Choose your own private pod for yoga. Hop on one of our mountain bikes and go exploring. There is never a lack of space to roam free in this mystical wonderland provided by Mother Nature. 

When it is time to come together, we have diligently worked to make your safety a priority. We are vigilant in our commitment to your comfort and safety. UMVA has developed our own Covid-19 protocols based on the guidelines as set forth by the Rwandan Ministry of Health. We intend to keep everyone out of harm’s way, in every manner possible. Our Initiatives include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Control of property capacity.
- Temperature taken for anyone entering the property
- Hand washing and disinfection stations in multiple areas
- Mandatory use of a mask by every member of the staff
- Routine cleaning of surfaces
- Activities are scheduled with your comfort zone taken into account within your own social bubble and strictly abided by